Proof It’s Possible

Have You Ever Felt Like Quitting?

Dayle Sheehan & Jamie Francis Episode 44

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Today on Proof It’s Possible we are delighted to bring you a replay of one of our most popular episodes! It's definitely worth a re-listen or catch up incase you missed it the first time, and we hope you enjoy it! 

In this episode we are talking all about quitting! Every situation is different, but we can bet there have been moments in your life where you’ve started something new and immediately wanted to quit, whether doing so would be positive or negative for you. The list can be endless! So listen in as we cover:

• Situations where we wanted to quit, but stuck it out!
• How the fear of change ultimately affects our ability to quit, even when it could be beneficial to us. 
• The guilt of saying no and hustle culture’s push to always be doing more.
• The pressure and opinions of others on your choices.

Now it’s your turn! We want to know: What have you quit or wanted to quit something that was either good or bad? Any regrets? Let us know on socials!

For More Information:
• Proof It's Possible Website
• The Ultimate Girls Trip Instagram

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